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46 items found for "Pear"

  • Pear Sorbet

    night at dinner, à propos of nothing whatsoever, Little Bit declared amusingly that he wanted to make pear Ingredients: 2 c of pear, chopped up 3/4 c water 3/4 c light brown sugar juice of 1 lemon 1) Bring water Stir until the sugar has dissolved to create a simple syrup, then set aside to cool. 2) Blend pear, lemon OR: 2) Place pear chunks in freezer, spread on a tray in a single layer, until frozen. 3) Blend frozen pear, lemon juice and simple syrup.

  • Pear-Ginger Blondies

    our available time slot though, so I considered brownies instead, and it occurred to me that we had pear I like pear brownies, but the pear flavour doesn't shine as much as I'd like, so I decided on blondies vanilla 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/8 tsp baking soda 1/2 c walnuts, chopped 1 c flour 1 pear Slowly add the dry ingredients and mix well. 3) Stir in the pear and walnuts. The ginger and pear came through very nicely.

  • Pear and Almond Chocolate Muffins

    make them, I ended up deciding that they were going to be oatmeal muffins, and then I was going to add pear 1/2 tsp almond extract 1/4 c unsweetened bakers cacao 1/4 c ground almonds Zest of 1 orange 1 large pear

  • Rhubarb and Apple Blondies

    After how good the Ginger and Pear Blondies were, the idea of trying a variant using rhubarb immediately to mind when I had a load of some of the biggest rhubarb I've ever seen (thanks to my dad and this year's

  • Cranberry and White Chocolate Blondies

    The last few blondie recipes (Pear-Ginger and Apple Rhubarb) I've come up with were all a caramelised

  • Carrot and Quince Soup

    And then a couple of years ago a colleague came to work with a bucket of quinces from her garden for They are like fuzzy green stones, pear-shaped wannabes when they are raw.

  • Jerusalem Artichoke Gratin

    They were also called "poires de terre", that is earth pears, in French early on, interesting as potatoes

  • Broccoli and Fennel Tart

    choice (we used one from a local monastery using vin cuit, a local molasses made from boiling down pear

  • Turnip Cookies 2 Ways

    It is as odd an idea as it sounds, but hear me out. They actually worked quite well. Sometimes they are a direct request to cook together, like "Mama, we can make pear sorbet", sometimes So hence the idea of turnip cookies, from my 3-year-old asking me to smell his turnip cookies. Cooking to my 3-year-old's imagination is an interesting challenge though, which I enjoy taking up.

  • Baked Oats, a Few Favourite Variants

    chopped (I use unsweetened ginger pieces) 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp cloves (optionally, add either diced pear

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