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215 items found for "light lunches"
- Pumpkin and Rosehip Tart
As mentioned in Day 79 of The Challenge This was a hunch that I decided to follow and I am delighted With the non-sweet pumpkin, the tart was tasty but it couldn't seem to decide whether it was lunch or
- Onions with Barley and Creamy Chanterelles
I might omit the oven step next time and see how it goes though. It might have helped marry the dish and the flavours a little, but I am not sure. Anyway, a big hit with all three of us, and then it held up very well as a left-over lunch at work for
- Salted Caramel Ice Cream
then place in container in the freezer OR place directly in a container in the freezer, relying on the lightness of the whipped cream for the ice cream's lightness. To my great good fortune, when my sister stayed over last night (invited in the very solemn role of Ketchup I am certainly glad I tried a different method for ice cream making, and that I picked up the right condensed
- Winter Oats 2 Ways
Ingredients: 1 c oats 2 c milk 1 c roast chestnuts, crumbled or chopped A handful of raisins 1 tbsp maple or light Instead of the maple sugar in the first recipe, use light brown sugar.
- Pumpkin Pie Soufflé
reputation for being delicate and difficult, but I've found that essentially a medium-thick roux with the right unfortunately this one deflated before I managed to take a picture, but it had risen beautifully and was light Just as good this time as previously, and definitely worth having a light dinner and this afterwards.
- Homemade Vinegars
I then checked out instructions from a couple of other places and launched into it. Interestingly, it was the lemon vinegar with which I had the greatest mould challenge, even right up I am leaving them to mature a little before really launching into using them, but will do so soon!
- Stuffed Grape Leaves
Tomorrow's lunch planned! They were tasty enough to make up for the delay in lunch though, so no worries. At this point, put a tight lid on the pot and then you can either do what I did and put it in a Wonderbag
- Apple Corn Muffins
I wanted bread to go with our lunch. In future, I might use a little less apple sauce, and probably cut the sugar a little.
- Biscuits with Blueberry Port Sauce
A beautiful way altogether of celebrating our last night of holiday before going back to work. butter into the flour with fingertips until it forms a crumby dough. 2) Add milk and mix it into a light
- Whey of Spinach Soup
Carrying on our habit of having soup for lunch, I pulled this together in about 10 minutes and it was I was very pleased with this, both the ease with which it came together for a busy weekday lunch, and