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17 items found for "Nettles"
- Nettles
This next pantry ingredient I'd like to share is the humble nettle. Then last year I decided to hack into the nettle patch at my parents' house and tried it out. You have to be careful not to get stung when picking them, and then have to either wilt or dry the nettles I have found that nettles work well in tarts, soups, and pestos to name just a few. Nettle Harissa Pumpkin Pasta with Nettle Pesto Carrot Tart with Nettle and Dandelion Pesto and Wild
- Pumpkin Pasta with Nettle Pesto
I only started using nettles this year. Pumpkin pasta: 1 1/2 - 2 c roasted pumpkin, mashed 3-4c flour 1 1/2 tsp sage Salt and pepper to taste Nettle pesto: 4-5 c nettle leaves, de-stalked and washed ( I recommend gardening gloves!) Sauté the garlic and add the nettles. To not be stung by nettles they need to be either steamed or sautéed, so I figure, kill two birds with
- Roasted Aubergine Soup with a modified Nettle Harissa
I would be able to get what I needed for the Harissa though and noticed that I had a jar of frozen nettles , so I thought of trying to make a spicy nettle sauce to top the soup. I did end up finding what I needed for the Harissa in the end, but still added the nettles. Taste test, then add the nettles and blend again. While playing around with my nettles and aubergines, our young beleaguered inspector is following clues
- Yellow Carrot Tart with Nettle and Dandelion Pesto, and Ricotta with Wild Flowers
For the other components of the tart I decided to go pick nettles for a pesto, which eventually ended up being nettle and dandelion, and to make ricotta with milk from the local dairy. the coffee grinder) 1 1/4 c whole meal flour 1/4 - 1/3 c cold butter 1/3 c milk For the pesto: 3-4 c nettles
- Days 37-45 Pumpkin and Chanterelle Risotto, Pumpkin Pasta with Nettle Pesto, Veggie Tagine and more
because we are so good at adulting), like Apple Cinnamon Pancakes and Savoury French Toast using our Nettle some quick easy meals, like the Vegetable Tagine, and some more involved ones like Pumpkin Pasta with Nettle
- Pesto Bloomer Loaf
requires you to roll out the dough into a rectangle the roll it up into a loaf, we decided to try it with nettle Ingredients: 6 c flour 15 g cake of yeast 1 tsp sugar 1 1/5 -2 c lukewarm water 1/2 c pesto/nettle pesto This was tasty, and an interesting idea, but the nettle pesto had too strong a flavour for the bread.
- Spinach and Mozzarella Baked Apple and Potato Gnocchi
If you have leftover nettles, try swapping them in instead of the spinach?
- Roast Ham with a Ginger and Apple Compote, and a Bacon Duvet
Make a small hollow in the centre and nestle the ham in it.
- Raspberry Crêpes
Initially, we had thought of omelettes, then somehow, via savoury crêpes, we settled on sweet crêpes.
- Cranberry and White Chocolate Blondies
One of the Christmas flavours we wanted to play with was cranberry, After some playing with ideas, we settled