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43 items found for "ricotta"
- Ricotta and Courgette Tart
c vinegar 1 tsp zaatar 1/2 leek, cut in rounds 1 courgette, sliced 1 red pepper, sliced 1 1/2 - 2 c ricotta Spread with a layer of ricotta and sprinkle with half the sumac. Lay rounds of leek over the ricotta, then arrange courgette and pepper over that. Spoon the remaining ricotta over the whole, and sprinkle the remaining sumac, thyme, salt and pepper I didn't have as long as I would have liked to drain the ricotta, and was worried that the tart would
- Ricotta... Again
This is now the fifth or 6th time I've made ricotta (I think) and I'm loving how easy it has become. I much prefer making whole milk ricotta, which I recognise isn't really traditional, but the yield is Also, a lot of recipes I've found for whey ricotta involve adding cream afterwards, so I figure I'm splitting I actually made ricotta twice last week, once using the recipe from Artisan Cheese Making at Home by and a ricotta and Spinach Tart.
- Ricotta, Take 4
Having successfully made ricotta 3 times, I decided for Take 4 to play around and test the method a little In the end, I think I got about the same amount of ricotta as with the standard recipe, but it took a He hadn't made it in a while, so we figured we'd try it with home made ricotta, and I'm glad we did!
- Ricotta, take 3
Today I tried making ricotta for the third time, and this time it went off without a hitch. The ricotta was creamy and smooth, sweet with a little salty tang. Ingredients: For the filling: 700 g fresh ricotta 2 c fresh spinach, wilted, or 2 cubes of frozen spinach Add mushrooms for the las ten minutes. 2) Mix the ricotta and spinach together, using only as much of
- Queso Blanco and Whey Ricotta
I also tried making whey ricotta for the first time, also from the book. My previous ricotta attempts have been from the kit and were from a whole milk ricotta recipe. because I used regular white cooking vinegar and not distilled vinegar, but I didn't get nearly as much ricotta of this to produce enough cheese messed me up a bit as I had planned on making pasta with pesto and ricotta The suggestion from this and from my last attempt at ricotta where I used lemon juice rather than citric
- Ricotta Gnocchi with a Pumpkin Sauce
My second attempt at making my own ricotta went well, but I scalded it a little (Little Bit waking up The scalding actually gave the ricotta an interesting caramelised flavour though. flavour and have a slightly sweeter, more robust sauce to stand up to the ricotta. Using my own home made ricotta for this also had the advantage of allowing me to drain it in its little Crack eggs into well and add ricotta.
- Attempts one and two: Ricotta
The kit is for very simple fresh cheeses (a good place to start for a beginner), so I started with ricotta The flavour was creamier and richer than store bought ricotta, and it was easy and cheaper. When the ricotta thickened, it had a caramelised flavour. In order to work with that change in flavour, I played off the caramelisation specifically and made Ricotta
- Chickpea Spring Salad and Ricotta Salata, attempt 1
The cheese I used was my first attempt at Ricotta Salata, salted ricotta. It is the same as regular ricotta, but then you put it on a rack in a sealed container in the fridge, The ricotta salata was my first attempt at it and our first try of it. Based on this ricotta, I may have to revise my opinion of whey ricotta. The ricotta then went on a rack (of sorts) in a container in the fridge.
- Yellow Carrot Tart with Nettle and Dandelion Pesto, and Ricotta with Wild Flowers
decided to go pick nettles for a pesto, which eventually ended up being nettle and dandelion, and to make ricotta pepper to taste For the tart: 7-8 yellow carrots, quartered or eighthed lengthwise 1 c pesto 1/2 - 1 c ricotta Mix the wild thyme into the ricotta and then spread the ricotta over the carrots. Otherwise, more ricotta could be nice but is certainly not essential.
- Black Bean Lasagna
black beans, cooked, OR 3/4c dried + 1 tsp baking soda 3 c tinned tomatoes 1 1/2 c spinach 1 1/2 - 2 c ricotta Using a fork, mash up the beans, or partially blitz the sauce. 3) Mix the spinach with the ricotta. Brush a lasagne pan with melted butter and begin layering: sauce, ricotta and spinach, a handful of coriander I made the ricotta for it fresh just before assembly too!