Mar 5, 2023Spinach and Mozzarella Baked Apple and Potato GnocchiAppologies for the break since the last recipe. A travelling husband and sick kiddies really put a hole in my schedule! (hurray for...
Jan 26, 2023Pumpkin RamenRamen is something my husband started throwing together as a quick, easy and healthy meal a while back and we have it semi-regularly. He...
Jan 22, 2023Black Pudding and Pumpkin PieI like black pudding, which I know some consider to be an odd statement. (For those who don't know, black pudding is a blood sausage,...
Dec 27, 2022Pumpkin LasagnaSo this one is from a while back when we were preparing to move. I needed to use up food from the freezer, and found a container of...
Nov 18, 2022Rainbow LasagneLittler Bit has arrived, spelling the end of a rather tough pregnancy. My body and energy levels are bouncing back, but not so my sleep...
Oct 13, 2022Pumpkin MuffinsWith pumpkins very briefly in season and available here, I am trying to take advantage. Some I am cooking with now, for tasty, warming...
Dec 26, 2021Roast Pumpkin CookiesIt is Christmas Cookie season again, and you may have noticed from some of my recent posts that I've been doing some baking. Along with...
Dec 15, 2021Rabbit Stew with a Glühwein TwistOne of my parents' neighbours was raising rabbits in their horse stall. Ever since Little Bit was a very small Bit indeed, we've taken...
Dec 4, 2021Winter OatmealHaving porridge most mornings of my life, sometimes it's nice to mix it up a little and change the flavours and textures. Here are a few...
Dec 2, 2021Pumpkin and Stuffing CasseroleLast week was American Thanksgiving, "Big Feast" as Little Bit excitedly calls it, and we had people over for dinner. We made rather a...