Challenge update: On day 9, we had a beautiful roast veg salad, with corn, courgette, beetroot, feta, mushroom and onions, with roast artichoke and home-made aioli. We also pre-prepared cabbage dumplings ( inspiration from our Persia cookbook by Naomi Duguid) for today, Day 10. A little labour intensive but worthwhile. It was pre-prepared however as she recommended serving cold. We found however that the dumplings were much tastier hot than cold. Also, as good as the dumplings were, the filling is worth making on its own. The cabbage wrapping did add something, but not necessarily enough for it to be worth the work.
Days 9 and 10: Armenian Cabbage Dumplings, Roast Artichoke and Roast Veg Salad
Updated: Oct 2, 2020